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  • 20 см
  • 25 см

Sansevieria Trifasciata: Also known as the Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, the Sansevieria Trifasciata is a robust, low-maintenance indoor plant renowned for its striking upright leaves with bold green and silver patterns. Ideal for any home or office, this hardy plant thrives in low light conditions and infrequent watering, making it perfect for busy lifestyles. Not only does it enhance your space with its modern look, but it also purifies the air by removing toxins, contributing to a healthier environment.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Snake Plant

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  • Ширина - 20 см
  • Висота - 25 см

Sansevieria Trifasciata: Also known as the Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, the Sansevieria Trifasciata is a robust, low-maintenance indoor plant renowned for its striking upright leaves with bold green and silver patterns. Ideal for any home or office, this hardy plant thrives in low light conditions and infrequent watering, making it perfect for busy lifestyles. Not only does it enhance your space with its modern look, but it also purifies the air by removing toxins, contributing to a healthier environment.

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Noor al shams flower

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