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  • 12 см
  • 12 см

Mini White Phalaenopsis Orchid Double Stem, Arranged In Square Vase 12X12 With White Marble, Tied With White Ribbon And Mothers Day Sticker.

Рекомендації по догляду

About Plant - The best orchid to grow at home is Phalaenopsis which is also known as Moth Orchid. Water - For watering you can use 1/4 cup of water or 3 ice cubes which is sufficient once in a week. Temperature - 18-24 degrees celsius should be ideal temperature to keep the plant. Light - Bright but indirect lighting needed for best result. Dark green leaves indicate insufficient lighting where in pale leaves with brown patches indicate excess of light. Care - Avoid exposing direct sunlight to your orchid to more than 1- 2 hrs per day. fertilize it with fertilizer made for orchids. Best place to keep is East or West facing window.

Товар тимчасово відсутній

2 Stem White Mini Orchid Plant

793 оцінки про товар

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2 рази на міс.


  • Ширина - 12 см
  • Висота - 12 см

Mini White Phalaenopsis Orchid Double Stem, Arranged In Square Vase 12X12 With White Marble, Tied With White Ribbon And Mothers Day Sticker.

Рекомендації по догляду

About Plant - The best orchid to grow at home is Phalaenopsis which is also known as Moth Orchid. Water - For watering you can use 1/4 cup of water or 3 ice cubes which is sufficient once in a week. Temperature - 18-24 degrees celsius should be ideal temperature to keep the plant. Light - Bright but indirect lighting needed for best result. Dark green leaves indicate insufficient lighting where in pale leaves with brown patches indicate excess of light. Care - Avoid exposing direct sunlight to your orchid to more than 1- 2 hrs per day. fertilize it with fertilizer made for orchids. Best place to keep is East or West facing window.

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Kishwar Mushtaq

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Thanks a lot for a quality of chocolate and plant and for good service )


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