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  • 20 см
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Vibrant and alluring, Ixora Coccinea, commonly known as the Jungle Flame or Flame of the Woods, is a tropical shrub celebrated for its stunning clusters of bright red, orange, or pink flowers. Ideal for gardens and landscapes, this hardy plant thrives in warm climates and adds a burst of color with its dense, glossy foliage and long-lasting blooms. Perfect for creating eye-catching floral displays and attracting pollinators, Ixora Coccinea is a beloved choice for enhancing outdoor spaces with a touch of tropical charm.

Ixora Coccinea

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  • Ширина - 20 см
  • Висота - 50 см

Vibrant and alluring, Ixora Coccinea, commonly known as the Jungle Flame or Flame of the Woods, is a tropical shrub celebrated for its stunning clusters of bright red, orange, or pink flowers. Ideal for gardens and landscapes, this hardy plant thrives in warm climates and adds a burst of color with its dense, glossy foliage and long-lasting blooms. Perfect for creating eye-catching floral displays and attracting pollinators, Ixora Coccinea is a beloved choice for enhancing outdoor spaces with a touch of tropical charm.

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Noor al shams flower

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