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Set of 2 Plants Plant Name - White & Yellow Kalanchoe Plants Plants Trivia: Kalanchoe Plant is native to Madagascar, but a few species are found in Brazil and some parts of AsiaThe plant grows to a height of one meter, but, some species grow like trees, with a height of about six meters.

Рекомендації по догляду

Keep plants in medium light locations, out of direct sunlight. Natural light is best, but some plants can also thrive in office fluorescent light. Plant soil should be kept moist at all time. Be careful to avoid overwatering. Do not allow plants to stand in water. Avoid wetting plant leaves excessively. A spray of water should help in case of flowering plants. Plants should be kept in a cool spot (between 18-28°C). Remove waste leaves and stems from time to time.

2 Kalanchoe Plants In Designer Pots

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Set of 2 Plants Plant Name - White & Yellow Kalanchoe Plants Plants Trivia: Kalanchoe Plant is native to Madagascar, but a few species are found in Brazil and some parts of AsiaThe plant grows to a height of one meter, but, some species grow like trees, with a height of about six meters.

Рекомендації по догляду

Keep plants in medium light locations, out of direct sunlight. Natural light is best, but some plants can also thrive in office fluorescent light. Plant soil should be kept moist at all time. Be careful to avoid overwatering. Do not allow plants to stand in water. Avoid wetting plant leaves excessively. A spray of water should help in case of flowering plants. Plants should be kept in a cool spot (between 18-28°C). Remove waste leaves and stems from time to time.

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Ferns N Petals

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Artem Arsentev

Вересень 2024

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I ordered peach roses, but they brought pink roses. They didn't bring cards with congratulations with the bouquet.


Вересень 2024

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the orchid came so fresh and beautiful for my manager perfect.

Chris Kristen Angus

Серпень 2024

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    3 /5

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    4 /5

Goods delivered as photo.


Серпень 2024

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