Our White Rose Bouquet features 30 luxurious Vandela roses, known for their large blooms and soft ivory-white petals. The delicate beauty of Vandela roses adds a refined touch, making this bouquet ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where elegance is key. The purity and charm of these roses are perfect for conveying respect, admiration, and new beginnings. This bouquet is thoughtfully arranged to create a stunning visual impact, making it a popular choice for both personal and formal gifts.
Товар тимчасово відсутній
White Rose Bouquet
- 1 осіб додав товар у свої добірки
White rose - 30 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Висота - 45 см
Uplifting floral studio
Our White Rose Bouquet features 30 luxurious Vandela roses, known for their large blooms and soft ivory-white petals. The delicate beauty of Vandela roses adds a refined touch, making this bouquet ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where elegance is key. The purity and charm of these roses are perfect for conveying respect, admiration, and new beginnings. This bouquet is thoughtfully arranged to create a stunning visual impact, making it a popular choice for both personal and formal gifts.
18 оцінок • 50 покупок
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Hera Assary
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