Bouquet of white peony shrub roses will be a wonderful gift for people with refined taste, as an addition to congratulations or just to lift your spirits. This bouquet is suitable for a gift for a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend or colleague. Flowers can be given as a token of gratitude or sympathy.
Товар тимчасово відсутній
White Peony Spray Roses
- 2 людини додали товар до власної добірки
ribbon satin - 1 шт. spray peony rose - 19 шт. mate wrapping paper - 1 шт.
- Ширина - 35 см
- Висота - 45 см
Bouquet of white peony shrub roses will be a wonderful gift for people with refined taste, as an addition to congratulations or just to lift your spirits. This bouquet is suitable for a gift for a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, friend or colleague. Flowers can be given as a token of gratitude or sympathy.
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