З цим товаром шукали
Step into a world of serene beauty with our bouquet, featuring a delicate blend of white chrysanthemum, soft peach roses, blush spray roses, and elegant white lisianthus. Accented with fresh eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a gentle and timeless charm. The centerpiece, a lush white chrysanthemum, symbolizes purity, while the roses and lisianthus add a touch of romance and grace. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning and heartfelt expression of love and admiration.
Наявність підтверджено 35 хв назад
White Chrysanthemum, Roses and Lisianthus Bouquet-2000
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- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазини - це магазини з відмінними відгуками, які докладають зусиль для якісного сервісу.
Eucalyptus - 1 шт. Spray rose - 1 шт. white eustoma - 1 шт. blue oxypetalum - 1 шт. design packaging - 1 шт. one-headed chrysanthemum - 1 шт. one-headed rose - 3 шт.
- Ширина - 23 см
- Висота - 37 см
Step into a world of serene beauty with our bouquet, featuring a delicate blend of white chrysanthemum, soft peach roses, blush spray roses, and elegant white lisianthus. Accented with fresh eucalyptus, this arrangement exudes a gentle and timeless charm. The centerpiece, a lush white chrysanthemum, symbolizes purity, while the roses and lisianthus add a touch of romance and grace. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any special occasion, this bouquet is a stunning and heartfelt expression of love and admiration.
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Flower bouquet is a bit small compared to photo but it looks nice, in combination with balloons it was a good fit. on time delivery
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