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Tokyo Tranquility is a beautiful and elegant flower arrangement that exudes calmness and peacefulness. The soft, serene colors of the flowers are complemented by the simplicity of the vase. Tokyo Tranquility is perfect for creating a tranquil and soothing atmosphere in any home or office space.


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Peony pink - 4 шт. cymbidium pink - 1 шт. tulip pink - 6 шт. rose uhuru miyabi - 8 шт. rose uhuru mikoto - 8 шт. spray rose gentle trendsetter - 5 шт.

Tokyo Tranquility is a beautiful and elegant flower arrangement that exudes calmness and peacefulness. The soft, serene colors of the flowers are complemented by the simplicity of the vase. Tokyo Tranquility is perfect for creating a tranquil and soothing atmosphere in any home or office space.

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RF Gardens

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