A timeless and elegant bouquet featuring 10 pristine white roses, 10 soft pink roses, and 5 delicate white spray roses. This classic arrangement exudes beauty and sophistication. The contrasting hues of the roses, along with their velvety petals and fragrant aroma, make this bouquet a perfect choice for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.
in_stock_confirmed 115 хв назад
Timeless Classic
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 14 5bonus
rose white - 10 шт. rose pink - 10 шт. spray rose white - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Висота - 55 см
A timeless and elegant bouquet featuring 10 pristine white roses, 10 soft pink roses, and 5 delicate white spray roses. This classic arrangement exudes beauty and sophistication. The contrasting hues of the roses, along with their velvety petals and fragrant aroma, make this bouquet a perfect choice for expressing love, admiration, or gratitude.