Introducing the Serene Dream bouquet, a stunning arrangement that combines the calming hues of blue hydrangea, the romantic touch of pink roses, and the pure elegance of white chrysanthemums. This bouquet is perfect for any special occasion, bringing a sense of peace and joy to the recipient. Blue hydrangea symbolizes grace and beauty, while pink roses convey admiration and gratitude. The white chrysanthemums add a touch of purity and simplicity, creating a harmonious blend of colors and emotions. Let the serene beauty of this bouquet bring joy and tranquility to any moment.
Товар тимчасово відсутній
Serene Dream-1891
- 10 людей додали товар до власної добірки
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазини - це магазини з відмінними відгуками, які докладають зусиль для якісного сервісу.
Spray rose - 3 шт. Hydrangea - 1 шт. dianthus - 3 шт. design packaging - 1 шт. bush chrysanthemum - 2 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Висота - 50 см
Introducing the Serene Dream bouquet, a stunning arrangement that combines the calming hues of blue hydrangea, the romantic touch of pink roses, and the pure elegance of white chrysanthemums. This bouquet is perfect for any special occasion, bringing a sense of peace and joy to the recipient. Blue hydrangea symbolizes grace and beauty, while pink roses convey admiration and gratitude. The white chrysanthemums add a touch of purity and simplicity, creating a harmonious blend of colors and emotions. Let the serene beauty of this bouquet bring joy and tranquility to any moment.
7021 оцінка • 6478 покупок
Оцінки і відгуки
Alyssan nicolle
Серпень 2024
Everything went smoothly. The delivery guy Mohammad Shafi was very polite and gave a great service in delivering the flowers. It was an awesome experience. I just didnt like the extra link for payment. I was hesitant at first coz I was wondering why it has to go through another link but I paid anyway. It should’ve been better as well if someone can reply to the chatbox after ordering in order to track the order but there was a feature of tracking anyway just like as in ordering food on other apps. Overall, it’s an awesome transaction. I will purchase again in the future.
Maxim Masterenko
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