З цим товаром шукали
Roses Gold Indulgence Bouquet is a luxurious arrangement that blends romance and sweetness in one unforgettable gift. This exquisite bouquet features velvety red roses, symbolizing love and passion, elegantly paired with Ferrero Rocher chocolates for a touch of indulgence. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or any special occasion, this bouquet promises to delight both the heart and the taste buds, making it a truly thoughtful and decadent treat. Share the love with this stunning combination of beauty and flavor, wrapped in elegance and charm.
Roses Gold Indulgence Bouquet
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- Отримаєте 10.5 бонусів
roses red - 19 шт. ferrero roacher - 24 шт.
- Ширина - 40 см
- Висота - 50 см
Roses Gold Indulgence Bouquet is a luxurious arrangement that blends romance and sweetness in one unforgettable gift. This exquisite bouquet features velvety red roses, symbolizing love and passion, elegantly paired with Ferrero Rocher chocolates for a touch of indulgence. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or any special occasion, this bouquet promises to delight both the heart and the taste buds, making it a truly thoughtful and decadent treat. Share the love with this stunning combination of beauty and flavor, wrapped in elegance and charm.
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