З цим товаром шукали
Immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of this enchanting bouquet, featuring a harmonious blend of ten delicate pink spray roses, twenty elegant pink roses, and lush ruscus leaves. Each bloom, whether the petite spray roses or the classic roses, exudes grace and romance, embodying sentiments of love and admiration. Expertly arranged to showcase their natural splendor, these blooms captivate the eye with their soft pink hues and exquisite form. Accentuated by the verdant ruscus leaves, the bouquet exudes a sense of natural elegance and charm. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement radiates beauty and sophistication, leaving a lasting impression of joy and delight.
Наявність підтверджено 3 г 55 хв назад
Pinky Pink
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- FlowerBouquets - Супермагазин. Супермагазини - це магазини з відмінними відгуками, які докладають зусиль для якісного сервісу.
Pink rose - 20 шт. pink spray rose - 10 шт. ruscus leaves - 10 шт.
- Ширина - 28 см
- Висота - 45 см
Immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of this enchanting bouquet, featuring a harmonious blend of ten delicate pink spray roses, twenty elegant pink roses, and lush ruscus leaves. Each bloom, whether the petite spray roses or the classic roses, exudes grace and romance, embodying sentiments of love and admiration. Expertly arranged to showcase their natural splendor, these blooms captivate the eye with their soft pink hues and exquisite form. Accentuated by the verdant ruscus leaves, the bouquet exudes a sense of natural elegance and charm. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement radiates beauty and sophistication, leaving a lasting impression of joy and delight.
266 оцінок • 176 покупок
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Olesya Stepanova
Грудень 2024
Грудень 2024
Грудень 2024
The order was canceled 1 hour before delivery!! The order was ordered a day in advance
Листопад 2024
Спасибо большое! Все хорошо!
Oleksandr Melnychenko
Листопад 2024
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