Celebrate love and elegance with our bouquet, featuring a stunning combination of pink roses and vibrant purple irises. The delicate, blush-colored roses symbolize admiration and grace, while the bold, rich hues of the irises add a touch of sophistication and mystery. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or any special occasion, this bouquet blends classic beauty with striking contrast, creating a captivating and memorable gift that speaks from the heart.
Товар тимчасово відсутній
Pink Roses and Purple Irises - 2013
Iris - 12 шт. Greens - 4 шт. rose - 15 шт. design packaging - 2 шт.
- Ширина - 35 см
- Висота - 45 см
Celebrate love and elegance with our bouquet, featuring a stunning combination of pink roses and vibrant purple irises. The delicate, blush-colored roses symbolize admiration and grace, while the bold, rich hues of the irises add a touch of sophistication and mystery. Perfect for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or any special occasion, this bouquet blends classic beauty with striking contrast, creating a captivating and memorable gift that speaks from the heart.
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