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Indulge in the beauty of Florists Specials featuring an exquisite ensemble of 51 white and pink Ohara roses. The breathtaking mix of white and pink creates a spectacular feast of color and grace, perfect for all occasions. Cherish the elegance of Ohara roses, known for their voluminous petals and enchanting aromas. This selection is sure to create an unforgettable impression and embody pure love, affection, and appreciation.
Mix Ohara Bouquet
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- 2 людини додали товар до власної добірки
- Отримаєте 14.67 бонусів
white ohara rose - 26 шт. Pink O'Hara roses - 25 шт.
- Ширина - 55 см
- Висота - 50 см
Indulge in the beauty of Florists Specials featuring an exquisite ensemble of 51 white and pink Ohara roses. The breathtaking mix of white and pink creates a spectacular feast of color and grace, perfect for all occasions. Cherish the elegance of Ohara roses, known for their voluminous petals and enchanting aromas. This selection is sure to create an unforgettable impression and embody pure love, affection, and appreciation.
129 оцінок • 185 покупок
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