This exquisite bouquet of radiant red tulips embodies passion, love, and admiration. Each bloom is carefully arranged with lush green foliage and wrapped in a sleek black paper to create a stunning contrast. The vibrant red petals symbolize deep emotions and heartfelt expressions, making this bouquet a perfect gift for romantic occasions, celebrations, or simply to convey warmth and appreciation. With its timeless charm and graceful simplicity, this arrangement is sure to leave a lasting impression.
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tulip red - 20 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Висота - 50 см
This exquisite bouquet of radiant red tulips embodies passion, love, and admiration. Each bloom is carefully arranged with lush green foliage and wrapped in a sleek black paper to create a stunning contrast. The vibrant red petals symbolize deep emotions and heartfelt expressions, making this bouquet a perfect gift for romantic occasions, celebrations, or simply to convey warmth and appreciation. With its timeless charm and graceful simplicity, this arrangement is sure to leave a lasting impression.