Immerse yourself in the beauty of our Exquisite Harmony bouquet, featuring nine stunning white and soft pink hydrangeas. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet embodies elegance and grace, making it a delightful gift or a charming addition to your space. White hydrangeas symbolize purity and heartfelt emotions, bringing tranquility and timeless elegance. Soft pink hydrangeas represent grace and admiration, adding a touch of romance and warmth. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the Exquisite Harmony bouquet is designed to impress and inspire.
Товар тимчасово відсутній
Exquisite Harmony
- 2 людини додали товар до власної добірки
matte packaging - 1 шт. hydrengea pink - 5 шт. hydrangea white - - 4 шт.
- Ширина - 35 см
- Висота - 40 см
Immerse yourself in the beauty of our Exquisite Harmony bouquet, featuring nine stunning white and soft pink hydrangeas. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet embodies elegance and grace, making it a delightful gift or a charming addition to your space. White hydrangeas symbolize purity and heartfelt emotions, bringing tranquility and timeless elegance. Soft pink hydrangeas represent grace and admiration, adding a touch of romance and warmth. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the Exquisite Harmony bouquet is designed to impress and inspire.
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