Our beautiful bouquet with pink hydrangea and white peony roses is a true work of art, created with love and attention to detail. This composition embodies tenderness and grace, creating the effect of a delicate scattering of flowers. The main accent of the bouquet is pink hydrangea and white peony roses, which embody luxury and elegance. Additionally, white alstromeria, bush chrysanthemum and dianthus add textural and colour contrast, making the bouquet unique and harmonious. Give joy and beauty with this beautiful bouquet!
Товар тимчасово відсутній
Ethereal Bliss-1883
- 18 людей додали товар до власної добірки
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазини - це магазини з відмінними відгуками, які докладають зусиль для якісного сервісу.
Peony rose - 3 шт. Satin ribbon - 1 шт. Hydrangea - 1 шт. Alstroemeria - 1 шт. chrysanthemum bush - 1 шт. packaging - 1 шт. dianthus - 1 шт. peony spray rose - 1 шт. tissue paper - 1 шт. eucalyptus: - 3 шт.
- Ширина - 50 см
- Висота - 40 см
Our beautiful bouquet with pink hydrangea and white peony roses is a true work of art, created with love and attention to detail. This composition embodies tenderness and grace, creating the effect of a delicate scattering of flowers. The main accent of the bouquet is pink hydrangea and white peony roses, which embody luxury and elegance. Additionally, white alstromeria, bush chrysanthemum and dianthus add textural and colour contrast, making the bouquet unique and harmonious. Give joy and beauty with this beautiful bouquet!
7021 оцінка • 6479 покупок
Оцінки і відгуки
Січень 2025
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
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