З цим товаром шукали
For the most beloved, a delicate bouquet of pink premium carnations and chamelaucium. These flowers symbolise perseverance and will remind her of your unwavering love and support. So why not surprise her with this stunning arrangement and make her day even brighter? This bouquet will be a wonderful addition to any celebration.
Наявність підтверджено 2 г 50 хв назад
Delicate Bouquet with Chamelaucium and Carnations
- , і ми дізнаємось вартість доставки
- Отримаєте 19.9 бонусів
carnation - 15 шт. design packaging - 1 шт. chamelaucium - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Висота - 45 см
For the most beloved, a delicate bouquet of pink premium carnations and chamelaucium. These flowers symbolise perseverance and will remind her of your unwavering love and support. So why not surprise her with this stunning arrangement and make her day even brighter? This bouquet will be a wonderful addition to any celebration.
6437 оцінок • 5954 покупки
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На цьому тижні
На цьому тижні
Идеальный букет, идеальная доставка, идеально свежие цветы, персональный подход к каждому моему заказу! Клиентоориентированный продавец 👌Рекомендую 💯
На цьому тижні
It was an excellent experience to be honest, price is reasonable, and the way they take picture of the item and timing delivered was AMAZING I really appreciate the team for their efforts. Thank you
Грудень 2024
Грудень 2024
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