Immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of our specially curated bouquet from the Florists Specials collection. This floral arrangement combines the elegance of 5 Chrysanthemums and 5 pristine White Roses, balanced by the softness of 2 White Hydrangeas. An abundant presence of 10 Spay White Roses adds a touch of sophistication. Accompanied by the distinct character of an undefined quantity of Eucalyptus Populus, this bouquet retains a captivating freshness. Ideal for conveying pure sentiments and appreciations, this bouquet makes moments unforgettable. Every piece is handpicked by our experienced florists to ensure superior quality.
in_stock_confirmed сьогодні
April Shower
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 1 person neofront/1_added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 14.45 5bonus
Chrysanthemum - 5 шт. White rose - 5 шт. hydrangea white - 2 шт. eucalyptus populus - 5 шт. spay rose white - 10 шт.
- Ширина - 65 см
- Висота - 60 см
Країна виробництва
Об'єднані Арабські Емірати
Immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of our specially curated bouquet from the Florists Specials collection. This floral arrangement combines the elegance of 5 Chrysanthemums and 5 pristine White Roses, balanced by the softness of 2 White Hydrangeas. An abundant presence of 10 Spay White Roses adds a touch of sophistication. Accompanied by the distinct character of an undefined quantity of Eucalyptus Populus, this bouquet retains a captivating freshness. Ideal for conveying pure sentiments and appreciations, this bouquet makes moments unforgettable. Every piece is handpicked by our experienced florists to ensure superior quality.