З цим товаром шукали
Envelop your senses in the captivating allure of our Florists Specials bouquet. Crafted meticulously with a generous assortment of 25 romantic red roses and 25 pristine white roses, this bouquet is a testament to natures intrinsic beauty. Each stem is handpicked, ensuring the highest quality roses that simply ooze freshness. The bouquet is polished off with a sleek ribbon and wrapped carefully in superior wrapping papers. With 5 pieces included, these intricate details make this not just a bouquet, but a gift-wrapped emotion. Delight in the charm of this classic and timeless bouquet arrangement - an ideal choice for expressing your enduring love or leaving a lasting impression.
Наявність підтверджено 3 г 10 хв назад
50 White and Red Roses
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- 3 людини додали товар до власної добірки
- Отримаєте 4.95 бонусів
- Ceyflora - Супермагазин. Супермагазини - це магазини з відмінними відгуками, які докладають зусиль для якісного сервісу.
Ribbon - 1 шт. red roses - 25 шт. white roses - 25 шт. wrapping papers - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 40 см
- Висота - 55 см
Envelop your senses in the captivating allure of our Florists Specials bouquet. Crafted meticulously with a generous assortment of 25 romantic red roses and 25 pristine white roses, this bouquet is a testament to natures intrinsic beauty. Each stem is handpicked, ensuring the highest quality roses that simply ooze freshness. The bouquet is polished off with a sleek ribbon and wrapped carefully in superior wrapping papers. With 5 pieces included, these intricate details make this not just a bouquet, but a gift-wrapped emotion. Delight in the charm of this classic and timeless bouquet arrangement - an ideal choice for expressing your enduring love or leaving a lasting impression.
89 оцінок • 110 покупок
Оцінки і відгуки
Березень 2025

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it was amazing same the photo thank u for ur honesty and the price is good also ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Aditi Kadam
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10/10 would recommend! Thank you so much
Adi shmuel
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