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  • 10 см
  • 10 см

Awafi Mill brings you Camphor Tablets, a timeless aromatic companion crafted from pure camphor. Known for its aromatic and therapeutic properties, camphor has been a revered substance in various cultures for centuries. These Aromatic Camphoratum Tablets release a delightful and calming essence, creating a refreshing atmosphere in your surroundings. Ideal for spiritual rituals and meditation, the aromatic benefits of camphor contribute to a serene and focused ambiance. Beyond its spiritual uses, camphor is a natural insect repellent, making these tablets a versatile addition to your space. The compact and convenient form of the tablets allows for easy use, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of camphor effortlessly. Awafi Mill prioritizes premium quality, ensuring that each camphor tablet meets the highest standards of excellence. Elevate your sensory experiences with the pure and aromatic essence of Awafi Mill Camphor Tablets.

Наявність підтверджено сьогодні

AWAFI MILL Camphor Tablets | Aromatic Camphoratum - Bottle of 100 Gram

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Камфорні таблетки, виготовлені з чистої камфори, відомої своїми ароматичними і лікувальними властивостями. Ці таблетки виділяють чудову і ароматну есенцію Ідеально підходить для духовних ритуалів, медитації Таблетки компактні і прості у використанні, що дозволяє вам насолоджуватися корисними ароматами Таблетки з камфарою, що відповідають найвищим стандартам якості.


  • Ширина - 10 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Awafi Mill brings you Camphor Tablets, a timeless aromatic companion crafted from pure camphor. Known for its aromatic and therapeutic properties, camphor has been a revered substance in various cultures for centuries. These Aromatic Camphoratum Tablets release a delightful and calming essence, creating a refreshing atmosphere in your surroundings. Ideal for spiritual rituals and meditation, the aromatic benefits of camphor contribute to a serene and focused ambiance. Beyond its spiritual uses, camphor is a natural insect repellent, making these tablets a versatile addition to your space. The compact and convenient form of the tablets allows for easy use, enabling you to enjoy the benefits of camphor effortlessly. Awafi Mill prioritizes premium quality, ensuring that each camphor tablet meets the highest standards of excellence. Elevate your sensory experiences with the pure and aromatic essence of Awafi Mill Camphor Tablets.

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