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White Alum Powder is a 100% natural and freshly ground mineral substance, meticulously processed to deliver unparalleled quality without compromising purity. Sourced from premium raw materials, this fine powder is free from any added chemicals or artificial components, making it a perfect choice for various applications. Immerse yourself in the sheer versatility of White Alum Powder, which boasts a pristine white color and a finely ground texture. This natural mineral powder is carefully processed to maintain its purity, ensuring that it meets the highest standards for those who seek quality in their products. Whether used for cosmetic purposes, culinary applications, or other diverse uses, White Alum Powder offers a clean and natural solution. Its freshly ground nature ensures optimal efficacy, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into a variety of formulations.

Наявність підтверджено 85 хв назад

AWAFI MILL Alum Stone Powder | Deodorant Powder - Bottle of 100 Gram

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Порошок білого квасцов-це чиста і натуральна мінеральна речовина Цей свіжомелений порошок ретельно обробляється, щоб зберегти його якість Білий порошок квасцов, що володіє недоторканим білим відтінком, надає йому нотку чистоти Тонкоподрібнена текстура порошку білих квасцов підвищує його універсальність


  • Ширина - 10 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Країна виробництва

Об'єднані Арабські Емірати

White Alum Powder is a 100% natural and freshly ground mineral substance, meticulously processed to deliver unparalleled quality without compromising purity. Sourced from premium raw materials, this fine powder is free from any added chemicals or artificial components, making it a perfect choice for various applications. Immerse yourself in the sheer versatility of White Alum Powder, which boasts a pristine white color and a finely ground texture. This natural mineral powder is carefully processed to maintain its purity, ensuring that it meets the highest standards for those who seek quality in their products. Whether used for cosmetic purposes, culinary applications, or other diverse uses, White Alum Powder offers a clean and natural solution. Its freshly ground nature ensures optimal efficacy, allowing it to seamlessly integrate into a variety of formulations.

5 з 5 рейтинг товарів

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Quality products, garam masala purchased was instantly grinded


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I got Quality product on the best price ever


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Huge stock of authentic peru 🇵🇪 palo Santo and white sage smudges

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