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  • 24 см
  • 20 см

A unique combination of red velvet and chocolate sponge filled with super soft cloud texture cheese cream and chocolate mousse, with distinctive white, red, and chocolate mousse combination. Finished with salted caramel ganache and cream cheese frosting dome on top. Garnished with berries. The Best Birthday Cake in Town is not just a cake; its the centerpiece of cherished memories and a symbol of love, laughter, and celebration.

Chocolate Velvety Cake

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Flavour: Chocolate Vanilla Minimum Weight: 1.8 Kg Sponge: Red Velvet Chocolate Topping/Frosting: Cream Cheese Servings: 8 - 10 people Storage: Chiller


  • Ширина - 24 см
  • Висота - 20 см

Вага товару

1800 гр.

Країна виробництва

Об'єднані Арабські Емірати

A unique combination of red velvet and chocolate sponge filled with super soft cloud texture cheese cream and chocolate mousse, with distinctive white, red, and chocolate mousse combination. Finished with salted caramel ganache and cream cheese frosting dome on top. Garnished with berries. The Best Birthday Cake in Town is not just a cake; its the centerpiece of cherished memories and a symbol of love, laughter, and celebration.

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