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  • 16 см
  • 10 см

Introducing our Chocolate Hazelnut Noisette Cake - a delightful fusion of hazelnuts and chocolate that creates a truly special combination. Indulge in the exquisite flavors of this praline-infused cake, featuring irresistibly crunchy layers and a luxurious richness that will melt in your mouth. Experience the perfect balance of hazelnut goodness and decadent chocolate, making every bite a truly delectable treat. Treat yourself or someone special to this heavenly delight that promises to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds.

Chocolate isette Cake

379 оцінок про товар
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  • 4 людини додали товар до власної добірки
  • Отримаєте 4.50 бонусів


Introducing our Chocolate Hazelnut Noisette Cake - a delightful fusion of hazelnuts and chocolate that creates a truly special combination. Indulge in the exquisite flavors of this praline-infused cake, featuring irresistibly crunchy layers and a luxurious richness that will melt in your mouth. Experience the perfect balance of hazelnut goodness and decadent chocolate, making every bite a truly delectable treat. Treat yourself or someone special to this heavenly delight that promises to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds.


  • Ширина - 16 см
  • Висота - 10 см

Вага товару

1000 гр.

Introducing our Chocolate Hazelnut Noisette Cake - a delightful fusion of hazelnuts and chocolate that creates a truly special combination. Indulge in the exquisite flavors of this praline-infused cake, featuring irresistibly crunchy layers and a luxurious richness that will melt in your mouth. Experience the perfect balance of hazelnut goodness and decadent chocolate, making every bite a truly delectable treat. Treat yourself or someone special to this heavenly delight that promises to satisfy even the most discerning taste buds.

Приймає бонуси

Dubai Fresh Flowers

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4 з 5 рейтинг товарів

382 оцінки 483 покупки

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Липень 2024

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    1 /5

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  • Відповідність

    2 /5


Червень 2024

  • Сервіс

    5 /5

  • Ціна/Якість

    4 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Відповідність

    5 /5


Червень 2024

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    5 /5

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  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Відповідність

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Червень 2024

  • Сервіс

    1 /5

  • Ціна/Якість

    1 /5

  • Доставка

    4 /5

  • Відповідність

    1 /5


Травень 2024

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    5 /5

  • Ціна/Якість

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Відповідність

    5 /5

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