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Indulge in the elegance of our Florists Special bouquet featuring 2 stunning white Lillies. Accompanied by 6 pristine white Lisianthus and a charming combination of 2 pink and 1 white Gerbera, this bouquet adds a touch of sophistication. Rounded off with a bloom of 5 vibrant pink Carnations and 4 fragrant Eucalyptus twigs, this unique composition stands as an unforgettable gesture of affection, be it as a gift or an addition to your home.
Stok durumu onaylandı, 60 dk önce
White Lilly
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 5.85 bonus puanı
Eucalyptus - 4 adet pink Gerbera - 2 adet white Gerbera - 1 adet pink carnation - 5 adet white lisianthus - 6 adet white lilly - 2 adet
- Genişlik - 45 cm
- Yükseklik - 45 cm
Indulge in the elegance of our Florists Special bouquet featuring 2 stunning white Lillies. Accompanied by 6 pristine white Lisianthus and a charming combination of 2 pink and 1 white Gerbera, this bouquet adds a touch of sophistication. Rounded off with a bloom of 5 vibrant pink Carnations and 4 fragrant Eucalyptus twigs, this unique composition stands as an unforgettable gesture of affection, be it as a gift or an addition to your home.
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Bu hafta • Google maps yorumu
Bu hafta • Google maps yorumu
Loved it 😊
Mart 2025 • Google maps yorumu
Great service from Bussra 😊
Bu hafta • Google maps yorumu
Şubat 2025 • Google maps yorumu
Best price and better fresh flower 🌹🌹🌹🌹
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