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This gorgeous bouquet features a variety of vibrant and fragrant flowers that will add sophistication to any decor. The bouquet includes 5 red chrysanthemums, 5 pink roses, 5 white roses and 5 carnations, adding classic elegance to the combination. A wonderful accent is provided by 5 light purple roses, which add softness and freshness to the composition. Delicateness is added by 2 matthiola flowers, and 9 eucalyptus leaves provide a natural green base. Young 5 roses and 5 deep purple roses add richness and luxury to the bouquet, making it ideal for decorating your home or as a gift for a special person.
Stok durumu onaylandı, 30 dk önce
Arrangement for her
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 13.35 bonus puanı
Chrysanthemum - 5 adet Pink rose - 5 adet White rose - 5 adet carnation - 5 adet light purple rose - 5 adet mathiola - 2 adet eucalyptus leaves - 9 adet baby rose - 5 adet deep purple rose - 5 adet
- Genişlik - 55 cm
- Yükseklik - 70 cm
This gorgeous bouquet features a variety of vibrant and fragrant flowers that will add sophistication to any decor. The bouquet includes 5 red chrysanthemums, 5 pink roses, 5 white roses and 5 carnations, adding classic elegance to the combination. A wonderful accent is provided by 5 light purple roses, which add softness and freshness to the composition. Delicateness is added by 2 matthiola flowers, and 9 eucalyptus leaves provide a natural green base. Young 5 roses and 5 deep purple roses add richness and luxury to the bouquet, making it ideal for decorating your home or as a gift for a special person.
396 değerlendirme • 125 sipariş
Değerlendirme ve yorumlar
Ekim 2024
The best
Haziran 2024
We really liked the Bouquet! Beautiful and stylish!
Bu hafta
Bu hafta
Flower wrapping slightly different from picture but otherwise amazing service
AMA Concierge
Şubat 2025
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