Say it all, 50 times over. Our stunning bouquet of 50 pink roses, sourced from the best growers of India are here to pass on your message, in blush pink. Set to turn cheeks pink with blush, the arrangement is arranged in military precision in our signature black box.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Unforgettable 50 Pink Roses Hand Tied
- IGP Flowers - Süper Mağaza. Süper mağazalar, yüksek kaliteli müşteri hizmetleri sunmak için ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapan mükemmel değerlendirmelere sahip mağazalardır.
roses aqua pink - 50 adet
- Genişlik - 20 cm
- Yükseklik - 20 cm
Say it all, 50 times over. Our stunning bouquet of 50 pink roses, sourced from the best growers of India are here to pass on your message, in blush pink. Set to turn cheeks pink with blush, the arrangement is arranged in military precision in our signature black box.
304 değerlendirme • 310 sipariş
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Amol Dhamane
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Inspite of pre booking the delivery one day prior, the cake was delivered even in the evening. Pathetic service.
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