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Delight in a unique floral arrangement from our Florists Specials category. This exquisite bouquet displays the vibrant beauty of 15 enchanting crazantimos, paired harmoniously with 7 delicate stems of lyonium. The ensemble is tastefully presented with a personal touch through an added card, and securely wrapped in a stylish net wrapping. Its a handcrafted masterpiece that eloquently expresses sincerity, charm, and elegance.
Stok durumu onaylandı, 40 dk önce
Special 024
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 6 bonus puanı
card - 1 adet net wrapping - 1 adet lyonium - 7 adet crazantimo - 15 adet
- Genişlik - 40 cm
- Yükseklik - 50 cm
Rich n royal flowers, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri
Üretim ülkesi
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri
Delight in a unique floral arrangement from our Florists Specials category. This exquisite bouquet displays the vibrant beauty of 15 enchanting crazantimos, paired harmoniously with 7 delicate stems of lyonium. The ensemble is tastefully presented with a personal touch through an added card, and securely wrapped in a stylish net wrapping. Its a handcrafted masterpiece that eloquently expresses sincerity, charm, and elegance.
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