Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature with our Serene Meadow Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features 9 stems of fragrant Hyacinthus, 7 elegant Ohara white roses, and 20 stems of airy Pampas grass, creating a harmonious blend of delicate blooms and soft textures. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet brings a touch of serene beauty and elegance into any space, making it an ideal gift or a stunning centerpiece for your home. Experience the soothing allure of a meadow in full bloom with this captivating floral masterpiece.
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Serene Meadow Bouquet
Ribbon - 1 adet wrapping paper - 5 adet pampas - 20 adet hyacinthus - 9 adet ohara white - 7 adet
- Genişlik - 35 cm
- Yükseklik - 50 cm
Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature with our Serene Meadow Bouquet. This exquisite arrangement features 9 stems of fragrant Hyacinthus, 7 elegant Ohara white roses, and 20 stems of airy Pampas grass, creating a harmonious blend of delicate blooms and soft textures. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet brings a touch of serene beauty and elegance into any space, making it an ideal gift or a stunning centerpiece for your home. Experience the soothing allure of a meadow in full bloom with this captivating floral masterpiece.
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