Unveil the beauty of our Radiant Floral Symphony Bouquet, a captivating arrangement that combines elegance and charm. This exquisite bouquet features striking pink anthurium, delicate pink spray roses, and fluffy white chrysanthemums, all harmoniously blended with soft pink alstroemerias and lush peony. Each bloom contributes its own unique beauty, creating a vibrant and sophisticated display. Perfect for celebrating special moments, this bouquet is designed to dazzle and inspire, making it an ideal choice for any occasion where you wish to convey heartfelt sentiments.
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Radiant Floral Symphony Bouquet
- 6 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
Spray rose - 2 adet Anthurium - 1 adet Peony - 1 adet chrysanthemum bush - 1 adet alstroemeria - - 2 adet
- Genişlik - 30 cm
- Yükseklik - 40 cm
Unveil the beauty of our Radiant Floral Symphony Bouquet, a captivating arrangement that combines elegance and charm. This exquisite bouquet features striking pink anthurium, delicate pink spray roses, and fluffy white chrysanthemums, all harmoniously blended with soft pink alstroemerias and lush peony. Each bloom contributes its own unique beauty, creating a vibrant and sophisticated display. Perfect for celebrating special moments, this bouquet is designed to dazzle and inspire, making it an ideal choice for any occasion where you wish to convey heartfelt sentiments.
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