The “Eternal Love” bouquet is a charming arrangement of seven velvety red roses, symbolizing deep love and affection. Carefully selected for its deep crimson hue and flawless petals, each rose represents passion and timeless beauty. Highlighted by lush green foliage and babys gentle breath, this bouquet is elegantly wrapped in premium eco-friendly paper and tied with a satin ribbon. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, be it an anniversary, a birthday or a spontaneous gesture of love, the Everlasting Love bouquet will speak volumes about your feelings with its classic and timeless charm.
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Eternal Love Bouquet
- 5 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
Ribbon - 1 adet Wrapping - 3 adet gypso - 3 adet single ruscuss - 3 adet red roses - 7 adet
- Genişlik - 20 cm
- Yükseklik - 50 cm
The “Eternal Love” bouquet is a charming arrangement of seven velvety red roses, symbolizing deep love and affection. Carefully selected for its deep crimson hue and flawless petals, each rose represents passion and timeless beauty. Highlighted by lush green foliage and babys gentle breath, this bouquet is elegantly wrapped in premium eco-friendly paper and tied with a satin ribbon. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, be it an anniversary, a birthday or a spontaneous gesture of love, the Everlasting Love bouquet will speak volumes about your feelings with its classic and timeless charm.
678 değerlendirme • 528 sipariş
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Aralık 2024
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The delievery was delayed by almost 2 to 3 hrs. 1st time I called they answered and asked update on my order they told they will get back to me. After that I called almost 10 times no one responded.
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