A bouquet of fragrant peony roses, hydrangeas, eustomas and statice. The bouquet measures approximately 42 cm wide and 60 cm high.
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Bouquet of hydrangeas, eustomian peony roses and statice
- 6 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
Statice - 3 adet Ribbon - 1 adet Peony rose - 3 adet Eustoma - 6 adet Hydrangea - 1 adet tissue - 3 adet matte foil - 2 adet pistahio - 1 adet
- Genişlik - 42 cm
- Yükseklik - 60 cm
A bouquet of fragrant peony roses, hydrangeas, eustomas and statice. The bouquet measures approximately 42 cm wide and 60 cm high.
4895 değerlendirme • 4388 sipariş
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Modelisa Mamon
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