A floral arrangement of yellow roses, sweet avalanche roses, green alstroemeria, pink spray carnations, white statice, yellow gypso and eucalyptus arrayed in a tasteful white box personifies grace. A perfect addition to elevate the expanse of your home.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
A Vibrant Purity
- 3 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
- IGP Flowers - Süper Mağaza. Süper mağazalar, yüksek kaliteli müşteri hizmetleri sunmak için ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapan mükemmel değerlendirmelere sahip mağazalardır.
Eucalyptus - 5 adet statice white - 5 adet gypso - 4 adet alstroemeria light pink - 5 adet roses yellow - 50 adet spray carnation light pink - 8 adet roses sweet avalanche - 15 adet
- Genişlik - 20 cm
- Yükseklik - 20 cm
A floral arrangement of yellow roses, sweet avalanche roses, green alstroemeria, pink spray carnations, white statice, yellow gypso and eucalyptus arrayed in a tasteful white box personifies grace. A perfect addition to elevate the expanse of your home.
304 değerlendirme • 310 sipariş
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Amol Dhamane
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Inspite of pre booking the delivery one day prior, the cake was delivered even in the evening. Pathetic service.
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