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Immerse yourself in the natural beauty with this exquisite Florists Specials bouquet. Adorned with five fragrant Eucalyptus branches, this arrangement is further enhanced by the romantic charm of 15 delicate spray roses. The subtle addition of two Limonium stems adds depth and texture to the bouquet. Beautifully wrapped in four sheets of premium wrapping paper, this floral bouquet emanates elegance and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion or simply to bring a touch of natures charm into your space.
15 Rose s Bouquets
- , teslimat ücretini tespit edelim
- Kazancınız 4.8 bonus puanı
Eucalyptus - 5 adet Spray rose - 15 adet Limonium - 2 adet wrapping paper - 4 adet
- Genişlik - 30 cm
- Yükseklik - 45 cm
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty with this exquisite Florists Specials bouquet. Adorned with five fragrant Eucalyptus branches, this arrangement is further enhanced by the romantic charm of 15 delicate spray roses. The subtle addition of two Limonium stems adds depth and texture to the bouquet. Beautifully wrapped in four sheets of premium wrapping paper, this floral bouquet emanates elegance and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion or simply to bring a touch of natures charm into your space.
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Service was excellent and the whole team was very helpful in getting my flowers to the address. Ordered it from Australia 👍👍👍
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موقع وخدمة ممتازة ، وأسعار جدا مناسبة المكان جدا نظيف والعاملين متعاونين جدا
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المكان جميل والشوكلاته لذيذه والتعامل مع الزبائن جدًا راقي …بوركت جهودهم
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ماشاءالله تبارك الله المحل راقي والخدمه سريعه والاسعار حلوه 😍😍 الله يعطيكم العافيه ع مجهودكم الطيب وان شاءالله كل مناسباتي والهدايا من عندكم 🥰😍
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