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Product Details: Plant Name - Sansevieria Plant Type - Air Purifying Plant Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones and Natural Soil White Plant Pot Mini Plantpedia: Sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to Africa, notably Madagascar, and southern Asia. Common names for the 70 or so species formerly placed in the genus include mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue.

Рекомендации по уходу

Sansevieria are best known as snake plants. It's a native of africa and is a diehard house plant and also a air purifying plant. Care - Need to make sure to keep the leaves dry when watering and allow the soil to dry in between watering. Do not overwater the plant. Water - 1- 2 cups of water twice in a week is sufficient. Light - Snake plant prefers bright indirect sunlight and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. Temperature - Ideal temperature to keep snake plant should be in between 18- 27 degree celsius.

Sansevieria in White Pot

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Product Details: Plant Name - Sansevieria Plant Type - Air Purifying Plant Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones and Natural Soil White Plant Pot Mini Plantpedia: Sansevieria is a historically recognized genus of flowering plants, native to Africa, notably Madagascar, and southern Asia. Common names for the 70 or so species formerly placed in the genus include mother-in-law's tongue, devil's tongue, jinn's tongue, bow string hemp, snake plant and snake tongue.

Рекомендации по уходу

Sansevieria are best known as snake plants. It's a native of africa and is a diehard house plant and also a air purifying plant. Care - Need to make sure to keep the leaves dry when watering and allow the soil to dry in between watering. Do not overwater the plant. Water - 1- 2 cups of water twice in a week is sufficient. Light - Snake plant prefers bright indirect sunlight and can even tolerate some direct sunlight. Temperature - Ideal temperature to keep snake plant should be in between 18- 27 degree celsius.

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Buy Any Flowers Abu Dhabi

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Price quite expensive


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