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Product Details: Plant Name - Money Plant Plant Type - Air Purifying Plant Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones & Natural Soil Fish Bowl Mini Plantpedia: This plant is native to Southeastern Asia and New Guinea. It belongs to the Araceae family, which contains more than 100 genera. Feng Shui principles regard money plant as one of the best plants to purify air polluted with synthetic chemicals from furniture and cleaning solutions. It energizes the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow.
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Money plant is easy to grow indoors and traditionally comes with its trunks braided together. It is also known as the feng shui money tree. Care - Don't over-water the plant. Trim the leaves when they dry up. Position the plant towards the south or west-facing window. Water - Pour approx 1 cup water when the topsoil feels dry. Watering 2-3 times a month is sufficient. Light - Position the plant in medium to bright indirect sunlight. Temperature - Ideal temperature to keep money plant should be 18- 26 degree celsius.
Money Plant in Fish Bowl
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- Ширина - 10 см
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Product Details: Plant Name - Money Plant Plant Type - Air Purifying Plant Plant Placement - Indoor Decoration - Stones & Natural Soil Fish Bowl Mini Plantpedia: This plant is native to Southeastern Asia and New Guinea. It belongs to the Araceae family, which contains more than 100 genera. Feng Shui principles regard money plant as one of the best plants to purify air polluted with synthetic chemicals from furniture and cleaning solutions. It energizes the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow.
Рекомендации по уходу
Money plant is easy to grow indoors and traditionally comes with its trunks braided together. It is also known as the feng shui money tree. Care - Don't over-water the plant. Trim the leaves when they dry up. Position the plant towards the south or west-facing window. Water - Pour approx 1 cup water when the topsoil feels dry. Watering 2-3 times a month is sufficient. Light - Position the plant in medium to bright indirect sunlight. Temperature - Ideal temperature to keep money plant should be 18- 26 degree celsius.
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