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Elevate your boss home decor with a practical and heartfelt Boss Lady Cushion and Peace Lily Plant combo. The white blackout cushion is made of high-quality materials, providing the ultimate comfort and elevating the aesthetics of any room. The words Boss Lady are printed on the cushion, representing your boss charmingly and accurately. It is paired with a fresh peace lily plant known for its air-purifying abilities as a houseplant. The plant is nestled in a beautiful pot that has a gold-hammered finish, which will add a touch of nature and exclusiveness to your boss home or office desk.

Рекомендации по уходу

Grow peace lily in a bright spot out of direct sunlight. Water regularly, keeping the compost moist but not wet. In spring and summer, feed fortnightly with a liquid house-plant food. Deadhead spent blooms and dust or wipe the leaves regularly to ensure they photosynthesise well. In dry rooms, you may need to mist around the leaves every so often to raise humidity. Bear in mind that, if ingested, peace lily leaves can cause swelling of the tongue or even vomiting.

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Comforting Boss Lady And Plant Combo

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  • Ширина - 20 см
  • Высота - 20 см

Elevate your boss home decor with a practical and heartfelt Boss Lady Cushion and Peace Lily Plant combo. The white blackout cushion is made of high-quality materials, providing the ultimate comfort and elevating the aesthetics of any room. The words Boss Lady are printed on the cushion, representing your boss charmingly and accurately. It is paired with a fresh peace lily plant known for its air-purifying abilities as a houseplant. The plant is nestled in a beautiful pot that has a gold-hammered finish, which will add a touch of nature and exclusiveness to your boss home or office desk.

Рекомендации по уходу

Grow peace lily in a bright spot out of direct sunlight. Water regularly, keeping the compost moist but not wet. In spring and summer, feed fortnightly with a liquid house-plant food. Deadhead spent blooms and dust or wipe the leaves regularly to ensure they photosynthesise well. In dry rooms, you may need to mist around the leaves every so often to raise humidity. Bear in mind that, if ingested, peace lily leaves can cause swelling of the tongue or even vomiting.

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IGP Flowers

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351 оценка 333 покупки

Оценки и отзывы

Izabella kaplan

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