С этим товаром искали
"Yellow Rose Cascade of Love" is an enchanting bouquet presented in a heart-shaped box, featuring a radiant collection of yellow roses. The golden-hued roses represent joy, friendship, and the warmth of a loving heart, making it a perfect gift for expressing affection and appreciation. This arrangement embodies the cascade of emotions and sentiments that love brings, and it's a heartfelt gesture that brightens the recipient's day with its vibrant beauty.
"Yellow Rose Cascade of Love"
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Yellow rose - 25 шт.
"Yellow Rose Cascade of Love" is an enchanting bouquet presented in a heart-shaped box, featuring a radiant collection of yellow roses. The golden-hued roses represent joy, friendship, and the warmth of a loving heart, making it a perfect gift for expressing affection and appreciation. This arrangement embodies the cascade of emotions and sentiments that love brings, and it's a heartfelt gesture that brightens the recipient's day with its vibrant beauty.
Оценки и отзывы
Апрель 2024
Март 2024
Amazing service, great fresh flowers! I am so happy
Ноябрь 2023
I asked for an urgent order the same day. I was not refused! Thanks a lot! I recommend
Октябрь 2023
All Super !! Servis and loyalty 👌
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