С этим товаром искали
Indulge in the undeniable elegance of 25 carefully handpicked white roses, personally curated to form a breath-taking mono bouquet. The purity of white roses never goes out of style, making it the perfect gift for any occasion, whether its a joyful celebration or heartwarming reconciliation. Each rose boasts of freshness, beauty, and a delightful fragrance.
Наличие подтверждено 75 мин назад
White Rose 25 pcs
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White rose - 25 шт.
- Ширина - 25 см
- Высота - 60 см
Indulge in the undeniable elegance of 25 carefully handpicked white roses, personally curated to form a breath-taking mono bouquet. The purity of white roses never goes out of style, making it the perfect gift for any occasion, whether its a joyful celebration or heartwarming reconciliation. Each rose boasts of freshness, beauty, and a delightful fragrance.
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