A cheerful and vibrant bouquet, A Touch of Sunshine features 5 delicate purple Eustoma, 7 pure white Eustoma, 10 cheerful orange carnations, and 5 airy white waxflowers. This harmonious blend of colors creates a captivating and uplifting arrangement. Perfect for expressing joy, friendship, or simply to brighten someones day.
Touch of Sunshine
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Eustoma white - 7 шт. eustoma purple - 5 шт. carnation orange - 10 шт. wax white - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Высота - 55 см
A cheerful and vibrant bouquet, A Touch of Sunshine features 5 delicate purple Eustoma, 7 pure white Eustoma, 10 cheerful orange carnations, and 5 airy white waxflowers. This harmonious blend of colors creates a captivating and uplifting arrangement. Perfect for expressing joy, friendship, or simply to brighten someones day.