С этим товаром искали
Make a grand statement with the Sweet Pea Spectacle, featuring 50 stunning red roses elegantly arranged in a chic white box. This luxurious bouquet combines the rich, passionate hues of red roses with the sleek sophistication of a white box, creating a perfect centerpiece or gift for any special occasion. Enjoy the timeless beauty and elegance of this arrangement with minimal maintenance. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses regularly to maintain their vibrant appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Occasionally clean the white box to ensure a polished look. Keywords: Sweet Pea Spectacle, red roses, 50 red roses, white box arrangement, floral arrangement, luxurious bouquet, artificial roses, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, elegant bouquet, statement flowers, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
Наличие подтверждено 2 ч 15 мин назад
Sweet Pea Spectacle: 50 Red Roses in a Chic White Box
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- Получите 20.98 бонусов
white box - 1 шт. red roses - 50 шт.
- Ширина - 40 см
- Высота - 35 см
Al zahra fresh flowers
Make a grand statement with the Sweet Pea Spectacle, featuring 50 stunning red roses elegantly arranged in a chic white box. This luxurious bouquet combines the rich, passionate hues of red roses with the sleek sophistication of a white box, creating a perfect centerpiece or gift for any special occasion. Enjoy the timeless beauty and elegance of this arrangement with minimal maintenance. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses regularly to maintain their vibrant appearance. Keep out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Occasionally clean the white box to ensure a polished look. Keywords: Sweet Pea Spectacle, red roses, 50 red roses, white box arrangement, floral arrangement, luxurious bouquet, artificial roses, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, elegant bouquet, statement flowers, low maintenance flowers, decorative roses
Оценки и отзывы
Март 2025
Март 2025
Май 2024 • Отзыв с google maps
Exselad flower shop nise service
Январь 2024 • Отзыв с google maps
Nice flower's
Февраль 2024 • Отзыв с google maps
Good flowers 🌺🌹 👍
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