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Product Details: 4 Golden Sprayed Gerbera 4 Light Peach Rose 1 Cinerea Eucalyptus 1 Sprayed Ruscus Stuffed Dates in a Acrylic Box Weight- 650 Grams Arranged Beautifully Ramdan Theme Wooden Stand
Наличие подтверждено сегодня
Stuffed Dates and Flowers Tray
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cinerea eucalyptus - 1 шт. light peach rose - 4 шт. stuffed dates - 650 шт. sprayed ruscus - 1 шт. golden sprayed gerbera - 4 шт. ramdan theme wooden stand - 1 шт.
Product Details: 4 Golden Sprayed Gerbera 4 Light Peach Rose 1 Cinerea Eucalyptus 1 Sprayed Ruscus Stuffed Dates in a Acrylic Box Weight- 650 Grams Arranged Beautifully Ramdan Theme Wooden Stand
1700 оценок • 1260 покупок
Оценки и отзывы
Tatiana Veselovskaya
Март 2025
In short the order was placed at 11am, delivery was set for 4pm, driver contacted me at 2pm letting me know delivery will be at 6pm instead, I followed up at 7 only to be told delivery again was pushed back to 11pm!! I called the store and my calls were ignored and there was no follow up on their end! Overall it was ridiculous and a horrible experience!
Март 2025
Март 2025
Март 2025
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