С этим товаром искали
Create a memorable floral moment with this bouquet, expertly designed by our skilled florists. Consisting of 30 stunning roses, 10 charming spray roses, 10 elegant carnations, 10 unique estomas, 10 delicate statice, and 8 refreshing Euqliptus stems, this arrangement brings together the finest blooms in harmonious balance. Arranged in a clear vase and accompanied with a personalized card for your heartfelt message, this bouquet is a perfect gift to express your sentiments and fill the receivers day with joy and enchantment.
Special 020
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- Rich n Royal Flowers - Супермагазин. Супермагазины - это магазины с отличными отзывами, которые делают всё для качественного сервиса.
Statice - 10 шт. Spray rose - 10 шт. carnation - 10 шт. card - 1 шт. estoma - 10 шт. roses - 30 шт. clear vase - 1 шт. euqliptus - 8 шт.
- Ширина - 40 см
- Высота - 65 см
Rich n royal flowers, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Страна производства
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Create a memorable floral moment with this bouquet, expertly designed by our skilled florists. Consisting of 30 stunning roses, 10 charming spray roses, 10 elegant carnations, 10 unique estomas, 10 delicate statice, and 8 refreshing Euqliptus stems, this arrangement brings together the finest blooms in harmonious balance. Arranged in a clear vase and accompanied with a personalized card for your heartfelt message, this bouquet is a perfect gift to express your sentiments and fill the receivers day with joy and enchantment.
104 оценки • 80 покупок
Оценки и отзывы
Nada Asaad
На этой неделе
sooo pretty!!! delivery was quick and like the picture, if not better 😍😍 would definitely recommend ordering from here
На этой неделе
Март 2025
Lyla hamid
Март 2025
Do check this
Abbas Altaweel
Март 2025
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