С этим товаром искали
Dive into the realm of floral elegance with our exquisite Florists Specials. A stunning arrangement of 50 ever-red roses, a symbol of endless love and respect. With a refreshing hint of 10 pieces of eucalyptus that adds a touch of sophisticated charm to the arrangement. Delicately wrapped in 10 pieces of luxurious Dior wrapping paper, this assemblage glistens with floral grandeur. The purchase is complemented by 5 pieces of matching ribbon and a stylish paper bag. This creation is the true embodiment of floral craftsmanship, beautifully designed and splendidly presented. Enjoy this luxurious arrangement that perfectly captures the essence and charm of blossoming beauty!
- , и мы узнаем стоимость доставки
- Получите 26.97 бонусов
Ribbon - 5 шт. paper bag - 1 шт. rose ever red - 50 шт. eucaplytus - 10 шт. dior wrapping paper - 10 шт.
- Ширина - 80 см
- Высота - 120 см
Black rose
Dive into the realm of floral elegance with our exquisite Florists Specials. A stunning arrangement of 50 ever-red roses, a symbol of endless love and respect. With a refreshing hint of 10 pieces of eucalyptus that adds a touch of sophisticated charm to the arrangement. Delicately wrapped in 10 pieces of luxurious Dior wrapping paper, this assemblage glistens with floral grandeur. The purchase is complemented by 5 pieces of matching ribbon and a stylish paper bag. This creation is the true embodiment of floral craftsmanship, beautifully designed and splendidly presented. Enjoy this luxurious arrangement that perfectly captures the essence and charm of blossoming beauty!
Оценки и отзывы
На этой неделе
Maravillosas, genial tamaño y preciosas las flores
Февраль 2025
It’s small
Январь 2025
Perfect service and flowers, totally recommend 🙏
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