С этим товаром искали
This elegant basket arrangement features pristine white roses as the centerpiece, surrounded by cheerful yellow chrysanthemums, delicate spray roses, and lush white carnations. The combination is enhanced with eucalyptus leaves, adding a touch of earthy greenery and fragrance. The woven basket ties the composition together, exuding rustic charm and timeless beauty. Perfect for celebrating special moments or conveying heartfelt wishes, this arrangement is both graceful and vibrant.
Romantic Rose Rhapsody
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- Получите 7.35 бонусов
carnation white - 4 шт. gypso - 3 шт. roses white - 6 шт. spray roses white - 4 шт. chrysanthemums orange - 3 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Высота - 30 см
This elegant basket arrangement features pristine white roses as the centerpiece, surrounded by cheerful yellow chrysanthemums, delicate spray roses, and lush white carnations. The combination is enhanced with eucalyptus leaves, adding a touch of earthy greenery and fragrance. The woven basket ties the composition together, exuding rustic charm and timeless beauty. Perfect for celebrating special moments or conveying heartfelt wishes, this arrangement is both graceful and vibrant.
Оценки и отзывы
Май 2023 • Отзыв с google maps
شكرا على التجهيز الممتاز
Ноябрь 2023 • Отзыв с google maps
Отличный салон цветов, очень милые сотрудники. Сделали отличный торт и букет цветов. Рекомендую
Октябрь 2023 • Отзыв с google maps
Это прекрасный магазин цветов! Всегда тут беру цветы 🔥🔥🔥
Февраль 2023 • Отзыв с google maps
beautiful flowers
Май 2023 • Отзыв с google maps
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