С этим товаром искали
Immerse yourself in the romantic allure of our bouquet, featuring exquisite pink spray roses. Each rose, with its lush, peony-like petals and soft pink hue, exudes elegance and sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where you want to convey love and admiration, this bouquet offers a timeless beauty that captivates the senses. The delicate, layered blooms create a stunning and memorable arrangement, making it an ideal gift for someone special.
Наличие подтверждено 10 мин назад
Peony Spray Rose
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- 2 человека добавили товар в свои подборки
- Получите 14.9 бонусов
ribbon satin - 1 шт. designer packaging - 1 шт. mansfield park peony roses - 9 шт.
- Ширина - 25 см
- Высота - 50 см
Immerse yourself in the romantic allure of our bouquet, featuring exquisite pink spray roses. Each rose, with its lush, peony-like petals and soft pink hue, exudes elegance and sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion where you want to convey love and admiration, this bouquet offers a timeless beauty that captivates the senses. The delicate, layered blooms create a stunning and memorable arrangement, making it an ideal gift for someone special.
6347 оценок • 5883 покупки
Оценки и отзывы
Always fresh and beautiful flowers. I am a regular customer and the seller appreciates it. If something happens, they quickly solve the problem. Thank you
Pavlo Hyriavets
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