Embrace the elegance of our Ivory Dream bouquet, featuring a delicate mix of white roses, dianthus and alstroemeria. This bouquet exudes sophistication and grace, making it a perfect choice for any special occasion. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the Ivory Dream bouquet is designed to impress and delight. Whether youre celebrating a milestone, expressing gratitude, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your home, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
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- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазины - это магазины с отличными отзывами, которые делают всё для качественного сервиса.
Eucalyptus - 5 шт. white alstroemeria - 5 шт. white lisianthus - 6 шт. cream dianthus - 4 шт. kraft wrapping - 1 шт. cream peony rose - 3 шт. cream tissue paper - 2 шт. rope - 1 шт.
- Ширина - 43 см
- Высота - 40 см
Embrace the elegance of our Ivory Dream bouquet, featuring a delicate mix of white roses, dianthus and alstroemeria. This bouquet exudes sophistication and grace, making it a perfect choice for any special occasion. Expertly arranged and beautifully wrapped, the Ivory Dream bouquet is designed to impress and delight. Whether youre celebrating a milestone, expressing gratitude, or simply adding a touch of beauty to your home, this bouquet is the perfect choice.
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Maxim Masterenko
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