The Floral Rosewood Bouquet is a stunning fusion of elegance and vibrancy. Showcasing the graceful beauty of pink lilies, complemented by delicate white lisianthus and vibrant fuchsia spray roses, it’s a true celebration of natures charm. Reflexed spray roses add a sophisticated touch, while skimmia and eucalyptus bring texture and a refreshing hint of greenery. Perfectly arranged and exuding timeless allure, this bouquet is a captivating choice for any special moment.
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Floral Rosewood Bouquet
- 1 человек добавил товар в свои подборки
Lily - 1 шт. skimmia - 2 шт. lisianthus pink - 3 шт. eucalyptus leaves - 2 шт. reflex spray rose - 2 шт. spray roses fuschia - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 30 см
- Высота - 40 см
Here flower, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
Страна производства
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
The Floral Rosewood Bouquet is a stunning fusion of elegance and vibrancy. Showcasing the graceful beauty of pink lilies, complemented by delicate white lisianthus and vibrant fuchsia spray roses, it’s a true celebration of natures charm. Reflexed spray roses add a sophisticated touch, while skimmia and eucalyptus bring texture and a refreshing hint of greenery. Perfectly arranged and exuding timeless allure, this bouquet is a captivating choice for any special moment.
61 оценка • 56 покупок
Оценки и отзывы
Fatoumata Maiga
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Louis Arenja
На этой неделе
Very delayed, 4 hours late. But the flowers are very nice but the card is missing
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Recommend it.
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