Celebrate Mothers Day with the Enchanted Garden Whispers arrangement, featuring a harmonious mix of 3 white Deco flowers, 3 green chrysanthemums, 3 white Estoma, 3 green Estoma, and 3 Santini blooms, all complemented by a fresh bunch of seasonal greens. This elegant bouquet combines delicate and vibrant flowers to create a serene and sophisticated display, perfect for honoring the special women in your life. Flower Care Tips: Dust the flowers regularly to keep them looking fresh and vibrant. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain the colors and textures. Adjust the arrangement occasionally to ensure a balanced and elegant look. Keywords: Enchanted Garden Whispers, white Deco, green chrysanthemums, white Estoma, green Estoma, Santini, seasonal greens, Mothers Day bouquet, floral arrangement, elegant bouquet, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, sophisticated flowers, low maintenance arrangement
Товар временно отсутствует
Enchanted Garden Whispers: White Deco, Green Chrysanthemums, Estoma, Santini Seasonal Greens
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- Al Zahra Fresh Flowers - Супермагазин. Супермагазины - это магазины с отличными отзывами, которые делают всё для качественного сервиса.
santini - 3 шт. white deco - 3 шт. white estoma - 3 шт. seasonal green bunch - 1 шт. green crysanthimum - 3 шт. green estoma - 3 шт.
- Ширина - 35 см
- Высота - 45 см
Al zahra fresh flowers
Celebrate Mothers Day with the Enchanted Garden Whispers arrangement, featuring a harmonious mix of 3 white Deco flowers, 3 green chrysanthemums, 3 white Estoma, 3 green Estoma, and 3 Santini blooms, all complemented by a fresh bunch of seasonal greens. This elegant bouquet combines delicate and vibrant flowers to create a serene and sophisticated display, perfect for honoring the special women in your life. Flower Care Tips: Dust the flowers regularly to keep them looking fresh and vibrant. Avoid direct sunlight to maintain the colors and textures. Adjust the arrangement occasionally to ensure a balanced and elegant look. Keywords: Enchanted Garden Whispers, white Deco, green chrysanthemums, white Estoma, green Estoma, Santini, seasonal greens, Mothers Day bouquet, floral arrangement, elegant bouquet, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, sophisticated flowers, low maintenance arrangement
74 оценки • 50 покупок
Оценки и отзывы
Ноябрь 2024
Very beautiful flowers and friendly stuff
Ноябрь 2024
На этой неделе
На этой неделе
Декабрь 2024
Очень оперативно отправили букетик, быстра доставка, демократично по ценам. Ребята выручили меня😅
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