Experience the allure of our Crimson Elegance Bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite red French roses. Each rose embodies passion and sophistication with its deep crimson petals, symbolizing love and admiration. This bouquet blends French elegance with the timeless beauty of roses, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and admiration.
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Crimson Elegance Bouquet-1865
- 5 человек добавили товар в свои подборки
- Fellora Flower Boutique - Супермагазин. Супермагазины - это магазины с отличными отзывами, которые делают всё для качественного сервиса.
Satin ribbon - 1 шт. packaging - 3 шт. french rose - 15 шт. eucalyptus cinerea bundle - 2 шт.
- Ширина - 52 см
- Высота - 45 см
Experience the allure of our Crimson Elegance Bouquet, featuring 15 exquisite red French roses. Each rose embodies passion and sophistication with its deep crimson petals, symbolizing love and admiration. This bouquet blends French elegance with the timeless beauty of roses, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and admiration.
7021 оценка • 6479 покупок
Оценки и отзывы
Декабрь 2024
Декабрь 2024
I ordered it for 16:00-16:30, but it was delivered 1 hour late. Flowers looks perfect, but no one asked if it will be convenient to deliver it so late.
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
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